High Times Wins 2018 NYMSL Championship

For the fourth time in 12 seasons, High Times' legendary softball squad, the Bonghitters, won the New York Media Softball League (NYMSL) title. In a tournament played on Sept. 22, they defeated Wall St. Jounral 4-2 in the semifinal match and Forbes 5-2 in the championship game.

With its four titles, High Times inched closer to Wall St. Journal's league record of six titles. The other champions were BusinessWeek and Insititutional Investor.

The NYMSL is currently comprised of High Times, Wall St. Journal, Forbes, Institutional Investor, BuzzFeed, New York Public Radio and Chartbeat. Games are played from May to September on various fields around New York. 

The league trophy, the Bloom Cup, was named after NYMSL co-founder Steve Bloom, who's also publisher of CelebStoner and a former player/coach with the Bonghitters.